Running Tips for Beginners: A - Z
Have Fun. Don't make running something you start daring to do. It's better to slow down and have fun than to push the limits. Enjoy it.
Run a 5k race. Set a goal to race in 5k runs. It's a blast and most 5k and 10k races support a good cause.
Keep a balance. Put your family, faith and friends first. Running is not all there is to life.
Wise Diet. 60% carbs, 25% fat, 15% protein. Too much fat in your diet will ruin some of your abilities to run.
Hydration. Your body is over 70% water, so drink it a lot of it, or drink low calories drinks. If you want to lose weight this will make a big difference. Soft drinks - NO, NO and NO.
Progression. When you increase the distance you run, increase slowely each week. A 10% per 1-2 weeks is a good goal.
Keep a steady pace. You may not be the fastest and sleekest runner, but keep a steady pace and just keep moving forward. If you run far, maintaining a constant speed will help you preserve energy.
Keep a journal. Write down when you run, how far, the time and anything that you feel or experience while you're running. Monitor your heart rate too.
If it hurts, rest. If it hurts while you run so you have to change the way you run, you need to take a break. It's not worth pushing and promoting an injury. Listen to your body, it hurts for a reason.
Make new friends. Make contact with other runners when at races or working out. You can meet some of your best friends here. You all have something in common.
Watch and enjoy your surroundings. Running outside gives you the benefit of being close to nature. Notice the world around you. You'll be amazed how this makes the run easier and more enjoyable.
Those pounds. If you stay consistent in your running you'll lose weight and keep it under control. Don't always treat yourself with a high calorie or sugary snack after your run. If you so, you're back to square one. Eat something healthy, like and apple.
Shoes. Don't wear snickers when running. You need a designated pair of running shoes for your running. If the mid-soles breaks and looses it's bounce, get a new pair.
Like tires on your car that need rotation, use two pairs of shoes and alternate the usage. For example use high miles pair for shorter runs and lower miles ones for then longer runs.
Keep track of your heart rate. Get a heart rate monitor. It's important to learn about your maximum heat rate and how much you can push yourself and still be safe. It's a lot of fun, and they're not that expensive.
Foot care. Keep those feet healthy. Keep nails trimmed and clean. Invest in good running shoes. Watch up for cheap shoes that can cause stress and injury to your feet, legs and back.
Take a break from running. You can safely take a 1-2 weeks break from running without losing the conditioning you built. You'll be amazed what a week of rest can do to you. It'll do wonders to your muscles and your mind.
Running clothes. Socks are important. Of course wear what you like and feel comfortable in. New soft socks are recommended. If you run fare you may consider changing socks during your run. This will help preventing sore feet. Sweat band is a must if you get sweat in your eyes. Wear a light short and T-shirt, or tank top when hot. Of course everybody will have their own preferences, so there are no set rules.
Encounter animals when running. If you face a dog, or other animals, make yourself as big as possible, and use a deep and big voice. Avoid running towards the dog, back off slowly until it looses interest in you.
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